Thirty years into their career The Mother Hips have decided for the first time to cut a cover version in the studio and put it onto their new album ‘Glowing Lantern.‘ The song in question is, obviously, ‘I Don’t Want to Drive You Away‘ and it’s a great rollicking slice of rock, with bursts of guitar supporting powerful harmonised vocals. Big song – sounds great, but where did they get it from? Greg Loiacono explained it all: “We came across an Anne Murray cassette tape in a truck stop some years back. The album cover was so fascinating to us that we decided to buy it. The music and recording blew us away. Her version of this song in particular with its groove, harmonies and far-out production really spoke to us, so we worked up our own version.”
Americana UK: The Mother Hips “I Don’t Want To Drive You Away” – a great song is a great song